Blog Outdoor Entertaining Summer Gatherings

Setting Up a Summer S’mores Station for Your Next Bonfire

As the sun sets and the warmth of summer lingers in the air, there’s something magical about gathering around a crackling bonfire with friends and family. And what better way to enhance this experience than with a summer s’mores station? S’mores, the classic campfire treat, are loved by all and evoke a sense of nostalgia and joy. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a captivating s’mores station that will make your bonfire gatherings even more memorable. Get ready to roast, assemble, and indulge in this beloved summertime delight!

Summer S'mores Station

Summer S’mores Station

  1. The Essentials for a S’mores Station
    • Start with the classic trio: graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows.
    • Offer a variety of chocolate options like milk, dark, and even flavored chocolates to cater to different tastes.
    • Consider using flavored marshmallows or even giant marshmallows for a twist on the traditional s’mores experience.
    • Don’t forget to provide roasting sticks or skewers for toasting the marshmallows.
  2. Creative Flavor Combinations
    • Encourage your guests to experiment with different flavors by offering a selection of spreads like peanut butter, Nutella, or cookie butter.
    • Add a fruity twist with sliced strawberries, bananas, or even grilled pineapple.
    • Sprinkle in some excitement with crushed cookies, caramel drizzle, or sprinkles for added texture and sweetness.
    • Consider incorporating unconventional ingredients like bacon, toasted coconut, or pretzels for a unique twist on the classic s’mores.
  3. Presentation and Decor
    • Use a rustic wooden board or a colorful tray as the base for your s’mores station.
    • Arrange the ingredients in an organized and visually appealing manner, with separate compartments or bowls for each component.
    • Add decorative elements like fairy lights, mason jars filled with colorful marshmallows, or a sign with a catchy s’mores-themed quote.
    • Provide napkins, wet wipes, or a small handwashing station nearby for easy cleanup.
  4. Fun S’mores Activities
    • Host a s’mores assembly competition and let your guests get creative with their combinations.
    • Set up a s’mores trivia game or a guessing game where participants have to identify different chocolate bars blindfolded.
    • Create a DIY s’mores recipe book where guests can write down their favorite flavor combinations and share them with others.
    • Don’t forget to capture the moments with a designated s’mores selfie station complete with props and a hashtag for social media sharing.

As the flames dance and the marshmallows melt, your summer s’mores station will be the centerpiece of laughter, indulgence, and unforgettable moments. With endless possibilities for flavor combinations and a touch of creativity, you’ve transformed a simple treat into a magical experience that will leave your guests craving s’more! So gather around the bonfire, grab a skewer, and let the gooey goodness of s’mores ignite your taste buds. Remember, calories from s’mores don’t count when enjoyed under the starry summer sky! Happy toasting!

I hope you enjoyed reading Setting Up a Summer S’mores Station for Your Next Bonfire and found it helpful. And if you snap a photo of your creation, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram with #appetizersandentrees. We can’t wait to see what delicious dishes you’re cooking up in your kitchen! Let’s keep the conversation going and continue to inspire each other with delicious and creative ideas. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you!💮Lavanda

AboutAppetizers and Entrées

At Appetizers & Entrees, we're all about bringing people together with our dishes. From creamy pastas to crispy appetizers, there's something for everyone. Gather your loved ones and let's start cooking!


  1. Thank you for your fantastic article on setting up a summer s’mores station for a bonfire. Your ideas and tips were so creative and practical, and I can’t wait to try them out at my next gathering. Your attention to detail and the way you presented the information in a clear and concise manner was really impressive. Thank you for sharing your expertise and passion with us. Your article has definitely inspired me to get creative with my summer entertaining and take things to the next level.

  2. Thanks for sharing this awesome guide to setting up a summer s’mores station! Your tips and ideas are so creative and helpful, and I can’t wait to try them out at my next bonfire. This post has definitely upped my s’mores game!

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